Our Little Munchkins!

Our family is growing by leaps and bounds! We are now a family of 6 going on 7. Our lives can be wild and crazy but we love every minute of it! Welcome to our blog!

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Location: Nebraska, United States

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Family! We are a family of 8 in Eastern Nebraska. We love having a big family and enjoy spending time with each other. Check back for updates and photos!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

33.5 week appt

We made the trek to the dr again yesterday, not too many of those left to venture to. I turned in my short term disability papers (funny they think being pregnant is a disability LOL) and in return I received my pre-registration papers and my "what to pack for the hospital" list. Its beginning to seem so real now! The noods is still measuring a week ahead. He has begun to "corkscrew" down is what the dr told us, he could especially tell this because his heart rate was found way down in the pelvis, and mama can tell this by the massive pressure in my hooha. He is head down, ready to take the plunge. His tushy is on the right side of my belly, his back towards my right side, and that I should be feeling most of my kicks on the left (which we do). He made our next appt for in 2 wks since we are right in between the times that they usually switch to once a week appts and everything has been so uneventful so far. We were told to watch the contractions, and when we get to 36 wks, they will let us go, if we go into labor. That is in 2 1/2 weeks! Molly and Nate have their big sibling class today, they are really excited!

Things are starting to fly by now. I have yet to really start my shopping for Christmas...Oh Boy. We have 4 christmas partys to attend in the next 3 wks, not to mention finish up things for noodle, and getting the house ready for his arrival.

My friend Julie is already 3 days over due (poor thing) and of course Noodle and I are keeping tabs on her for his playmate to come out and play. Needless to say he will have to wait for Noodle to get here for us to start our playdates.

Just a warning.....Watch Out Starbucks....you will be getting 2 new customers in the near future!!


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